Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Welcome to the Ring

Now that my Listening Room is officially a member of the Music of All Kinds webring, I've been surfing the ring to get an idea of what kind of company I'm hanging with. Here are a few of the sites I happened to stumble upon.

If you read my recent post about the "against pop" website, you know I'm not a classical music snob. Still, there's a part of me that recoils in horror at this headline I found at the Alicia Keys-Siren of the Streets website, "MOVE OVER BEETHOVEN...ALICIA KEYS HAS ARRIVED".

Neil Young, in his song "Union Man", stood up for the working musician and gave us a slogan we could call our own: "Live Music Is Best". Somehow, I don't think this guy qualifies...Ladies and Gentlemen, all the way from Parkland, Florida I bring you GARY LAWRENCE AND HIS VIRTUAL QUINTET!!!

Can't say I've ever heard of GREY, but now that I've stumbled across his website I admit to being a tad curious. Especially after reading this: "Grey blends the psychedelic, progressive, acoustic, and alternative stylings of Rush, Yes, the Beatles, the Doors, and Pink Floyd to create a unique rock and pop sound sometimes compared to that of Dave Matthews Band, Phish, and David Bowie".
If it were me blending those band's stylings to create my own unique sound and someone compared it to the Dave Matthews Band, I think I'd take that as a.) a greivous insult and/or b.) a firm indication that I need to put down my guitar and concentrate on another hobby...
But that's just me...

"We have a technical...
...normal service will resume shortly"
Sounds like a Gary Numan lyric, doesn't it?
Apparently Night Talk, a Numan fan site is having some difficulties of the technical kind.

Well, if I weren't so old and so married I think my socks would indeed enjoy being rocked off by this melodious vixen. Maybe your socks are in the mood for being rocked off and you don't have the same restrictions I've imposed upon myself...sample Jillian's wares at Steve Hammontree's personal website.

Okay, enough already. I feel as if I have wasted much precious time this afternoon. Click on the Music of All Kinds banner below if you, too, have some time to waste. It's a real eye-opener, lemme tell you.

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