Sunday, July 29, 2007

WMFU's version of creepy.

Regular readers of this blog (all three of you) will surely recall my delightful exposition of "The 10 Creepiest Songs I've Ever Heard". And if you've ever heard any of them you'd have to agree that they are creepy as hell.

So I did a little googling to see if anyone else had heard any creepy songs and if their opinion jibed with mine in any case.

The only thing I found was an entry in radio station WMFU's blog dated August 4, 2006 simply entitled "Creepy Songs".
Surprisingly, none of my songs were on their list, and consequently vice versa. I guess our definitions of "creepy" are different.

Anyhow, this is their'll have to go to their blog to find out just why they're supposed to be so damned creepy.

~~~"Dead Man's Curve" - Jan & Dean
~~~"I Ain' Mad At Cha" - Tupac
~~~"Violet" - Hole
~~~"Needle in the Hay" - Elliot Smith
~~~"PYT (Pretty Young Thing" - Michael Jackson

I will concede that there are definitely some creepy aspects to the above 5 songs.

But still I maintain that the 10 I listed are on a higher plane of creepiness.

For one thing, it's only the lyrics to WMFU's picks which are creepy (and a couple of those are only moderately so). My picks are not only lyrically creepy, but musically as well. This is very important, IMO.

Furthermore, all the songs on their list are only creepy if you know the "back-story" of the artists and how the song relates to them (with the notable exception of "Dead Man's Curve" which passes the "creepy" test in all respects). My tally is of songs that are creepy on their own merits. You don't have to know a damn thing about these groups to be creeped out listening to their songs. That means a lot.

Obviously I'm interested in what other folks consider to be creepy songs. So why not leave a comment and tell me what your favorite creepy song is and why it's so bloody creepy. When I get enough suggestions (if I get any at all) I will post another article on the subject, so what are you waiting for? Let me know what I'm missing.

I do so love to be creeped out!

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