Sunday, July 8, 2007

Maybe I'm just in a sour mood?

This probably isn't the place to bitch and groan about stuff...After all, who really cares besides me, right? But I am pretty pissed right now and I'm going to say something about it.
What the fuck is up with Blogger?
I posted something new on my Bipolar Confessional blog and for whatever reason the thing wouldn't let me type in a title. I'm actually very happy with that particular blog, with the template (which I got from Blogger Templates some time ago, and which I think is no longer available), with the overall look and "atmosphere" of the whole thing, INCLUDING THE TITLES!!!
Now I know that may seem like "much ado about nothing". Maybe it is a bit trivial...I'll concede to that. But, man, it sure gets under my skin. If it were only something I could fix myself. Unfortunately my knowledge of HTML is even more rudimentary than my typing skills (which are slowly progressing, though I do wish the "speed" would come to me, and I can't tell you how sick I am of having to hit the "Backspace" key).
Hopefully this whole "title" thing will be temporary and won't last very long.

Another thing that kind of irked me yesterday...The whole Live Earth thing...Oh, I wasn't angry about the concert itself, even though I could have cared less. As far as I know none of the bands/artists that I like were on the bill (I can just imagine Sun Kil Moon doing "Glenn Tipton" on that stage in front of that many people). It was mainly just middle-of-the-road garbage from what I could tell. Anytime Jon Bon Jovi gets a prominent slot on the bill, well that's a warning sign as far as I'm concerned (yeah, I know, Smashing Pumpkins were there, to which I would only respond, "What could be more 'middle-of-the-road' than Corgan and his gang of Nirvana wanna-bes?"...sorry, that's just how I feel).
But I digress. It's not Live Earth that gets my goat (pale imitator of Live Aid that it was). What bugged me was XM Satellite Radio's decision to broadcast it not on one, not on two, not even THREE channels... oh, no, they felt the need to cover the whole glorious spectacle on at least 9 or 10 of the "rock" channels.
Let me tell you, there's nothing more frustrating than tuning in to Liquid Metal to hear some good ole Cattle Decapitation or maybe a little Cradle of Filth and what do you find? KENNY CHESNEY!!!!!
Nothing against Chesney, mind you, but if I'm in the mood for really heavy metal, I sure don't want to hear the crooners. That's for another place and time.
And it was like that all the way across the dial, all day long. I thought I was losing my mind again when I heard that god-awful Dave Matthews Band on Fred...I thought "is this what it's come to? This CAN'T be the FUTURE of 'alternative rock'..Good thing I'll be dead by then. :)
The next time someone decides to stage one of these over bloated extravaganzas (and hopefully that won't be for a long, long time) I can only hope that XM will suppress the desire to cover the event quite so 200 was supposed to be reserved for that kind of thing, and there's NEVER anything on it...then something comes along that's right up it's alley and THEY DON'T EVEN USE IT!!! What's up with that?

One good thing in the XM camp. There's a new channel (XM 39) called "Earth Sounds". Lots of seascapes, thunderstorms, jungle noises, that kind of thing, with a little minimal music thrown in every now and then. I actually like the "atmosphere" type stuff, but I could do without the music...a feller might have a strong case if he were to argue that when the music kicks in basically what you've got is a new age station and we've already got one of those (the excellent "AudioVisions on XM 77).
True enough. But I enjoy the nature sounds enough to compensate for the intermittent guitar-twiddling and airy, chakra-soothing washes of silky smooth synth stylings---the kind that virtually defined the 'new age' genre in it's struggling toddler years.

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