Saturday, July 7, 2007

Upon waking this morning I found myself contemplating some lofty matters. No doubt they spring from the reading I've been lately been doing in the Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam.
Anyway, I was struck with the thought that most people, if asked, would say they "have a soul". Seems logical enough, right? After all, we seem to be conditioned to thinking of every thing in this life in terms of "have" and "have not". Especially in America, where one's possessions, like it or not, are a symbol of status. Everyone has heard the adage, "He who dies with the most toys wins".
So it's not unusual to think in terms of "having a soul". I know that's the way I've always perceived it. If you had asked me yesterday about what I thought about souls in general, did I believe in their existence and all, I would have said yes, "I've always known that I have a soul."
But now I realize that I was wrong,
Truth be told, I DON'T have a soul.


And you don't have a soul, either.
You ARE a soul.
There's a difference.
Think about it...

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