Sunday, July 15, 2007

Plague of relatively trivial misery.

If there is any credibility in the concept of Karma, then I'd like to get my hands on the bastard from my previous incarnation who racked up all the negative shit I'm dealing with today. I'd punch him in the nose.

Oh, it's not so bad as all that...not as bad as it could be and one day surely will be. But I'm feeling pretty miserable this morning and it's been going on for 3 or 4 days with this sinus headache and all the allergic reactions. They're making my eyeballs itch, burn and generally feel as if they are about to explode and burst from their sockets. Add to that a wax-stuffed left ear and a sore right ear...So there's two senses assaulted by the hateful things I was saying and doing when my soul was taking residence in the body of Caligula or Jack the Ripper or maybe just that guy who liked to put boogers in the blue cheese dressing on the salad bar at Kenny's Red Devil Cafe...No, wait. It couldn't have been him because he was younger than me. I saw him do it myself.
I bet he'll have some misery trying to work that off in his next life. I don't envy him.

I think that the eye-itching problem is a direct result of an allergy to mold spores, which have been up since the endless rain we've been experiencing of late. I always really liked the rain. During dry spells in previous summers I would be miserable. When the rains came, you would have found me celebrating, dancing like a fool, wet and shivering but happy as a hobo who hasn't had an opportunity to take a shower in weeks.
But this year I can't wait for the rain to stop. It's just become ridiculous. I don't want sweltering heat and I sure don't want the oppressive humidity that sometimes makes this state hard to live in, but I've seen enough rain for a few months...If I had my way the temperature would stay at 69 degrees perpetually and a cool breeze would blow. That's unfortunately not going to happen, so I'll just settle for a cessation of the rain for right now.

Damn global warming.


A couple of days ago, driving home after taking my son to see the new Harry Potter movie, I saw a bumper sticker on a car in front of me that read:

"It's God's job to forgive bin Laden...
It's our job to ARRANGE THE MEETING!"

I don't know if I would have used the word "Job", but I guess "prerogative" was a little too big to fit on the sticker.
At any rate I thought it was kind of funny.


I'm flip-flopping on which Sigur Ros album is my favorite.
I had been putting "Takk" in the nunber 1 slot, but I'm beginning to think that was on the strength of "Glossoli", which is simply one of the most intense songs they've ever recorded.
"Takk" is a great album from start to finish, but after listening to "( )" a few times this past week I have to concede that it is the most consistantly excellent thing they've done.

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