Sunday, August 7, 2005

A Visit With A Friend

Yesterday I visited with a friend I hadn't seen in several years...
You see, he kinda disappeared for awhile somewhat unexpectedly. He got into a bit of trouble dealing methamphetamine, I was told, and wound up doing some jail time. I knew he'd been selling marijuana (I used to be a regular customer back in the days when I was an "everyday stoner"), and he probably pushed a large quantity of it, but I didn't know he'd been caught up in the nasty crank scene. But I guess I should have figured it out, as he was always pretty edgy...blame my naivette for not picking up on it..but he always seemed to be in control.
And when I heard he had started coming around again, paying regular visits on some mutual friends, I was excited to see him. I'd heard from those friends that he was "really doing well", that he had cleaned up and was staying with his ex-wife (though I wasn't sure at the time I heard about it whether or not this was for convenience sake or if he had a mind to reconcilliate with her...they have a 9 year old son together). I was happy for him and looked forward to the possibility of seeing him yesterday.
I don't know what it was, but I found myself feeling very uncomfortable around him when he finally did swing by. I don't think he'd changed all that much...he still had that "edge" I mentioned (to the extent that this time around I DID suspect that he was possibly using meth again), but he didn't seem to have it "in check" like he once did.
Come to find out, after driving to the store and back with him, that he was hoping to reconcile with his ex-wife, but that on this evening he had reason to believe that she was with another man, and this was upsetting him. His paranoia over the whole situation was getting to him, and he wanted advice and consent...
I found myself totally unable to offer either.
It got to the point where he was actually trying to get into her Cingular wireless account on the internet so he could look at her phone calls, and I have to admit that this creeped me out in a big way, to watch him trying to crack her password code, failing each time until the account locked up.
I mean, this is his EX-wife, not his wife. If she's in a relationship with someone else I don't know why it would get to him like it did. It's one thing to be possessive about something that you can call your own (though the lack of trust thrown in the mix is disheartening), but it's not as if they've been married for the past few years.
He spent pretty much the entire time he was at our mutual friend's house on the phone trying to track her down, and when he finally did things got ugly (at least that's what I was told by in "she denies it, says she left her phone in the car on purpose, but you know she's lying about that, and I wound up yelling at her"...). He left without saying goodbye to anyone...
It was a strange reunion and, I'm afraid, an oninous harbinger of things to come for him.

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