Thursday, February 20, 2014

JAY MITCHELL - Love Streams

Jaye Mitchell. He is the reason I listen to this stuff. I first read of him in a blog called The Best of the Worst of Spotify. The author described his album "Love Streams" as "Possibly the worst thing I've ever heard." How can I let such a glowing review pass without checking it out? When I first heard it I understood why the Best of the Worst guy thought it was so terrible. But then I started thinking about late-70s post punk duo Suicide and I couldn't help but draw some connections, tenuous as they may have been. I think Jaye has a Lou Reed swagger to his voice at times. I'll probably get some grief for saying that but it's true. Not always, but enough times that I noticed. "Love Streams" is a catchy record that sticks in your head, whether you want it to or not (and most people would probably be in "or not" category). In his own unique way Jaye Mitchell has created something innovative and original. Something that sounds, for better or worse, like nothing else on the planet. Personally I think that's a great thing.

Words cannot describe the overwhelming glee I felt when I learned that Jaye Mitchell has a music video available. It's exactly what you'd expect from him. The only other bit of trivia I could glean from the Internet about Jaye is that he has authored 3 books, "The Kilo Connection", "Missing Angel" and "88 Ways to Die", all of which are available at Amazon.

File under: Mitchell, Jaye

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