Friday, December 9, 2005

Mad Laugh at the Riviera Studio 12/9/05

Just got back from seeing my old buddies in the Mad Laugh put on a stellar performance at the Riviera Studio on Shartel in OKC.
Took some photos, but the quality of the shots is somewhat dicey.
Whatever. Here they are:

The band had one particularly enthusiastic fan, who was inebriated to the point of not caring but not enough to prevent him from probably having a better time than anyone else there:

A few in the audience, our good friend Melissa in the forefront:

All in all it was a very enjoyable evening. My friend Dustin accompanied me, and we engaged in stimulating conversation both on the way up there and back. I was also able to show Dustin highlights from the latest Sun Kil Moon album (which he now plans to purchase) and I turned him on to some old Peter Gabriel-era Genesis songs. He was surprised at how much he enjoyed the tracks I showed him from Nursery Cryme ("The Return of the Giant Hogweed", "Harold the Barrell" & "The Fountain of Salmacis"). He'd never heard them before.
Plus, wonder of wonders, on the trip back I saw not one but TWO falling stars. Dustin and I both saw the first one, as it was very close and stayed in the sky for a couple of seconds. Only I saw the second one, and I just caught it in the corner of my eye. Two falling stars in the space of 30 minutes...a revelatory omen, no doubt.

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