Thursday, December 11, 2008

Yesterday I posted about renting the movie "Unspeakable" and discovering a litany of negative reviews at IMDB before watching it. So bad, in fact, that I was actually eager to sit through it, if only to see if it was half as bad as the naysayers made it out to be.

It wasn't as bad as they claimed it was.

It was WORSE.

One of the most awful movies I have ever seen, with few, if any, redeemable qualities. From bad acting (both over- and under-) and bad direction to bad cinematography and bad editing. Bad, bad, bad, bad. Bad writing by the vain bozo who stars in this turkey and whose acting work is cringe-worthy. Did I mention how BAD it was?

I got the feeling that the movie had aspirations of being more than B-grade schlock horror dud. C-grade, anyone? D?

Dennis Hopper turns in a performance that makes you think he's only there for the free dope. He's not as bad as the other lot gathered here in this train wreck of a film. But only because he's so eccentric, always has been, and it's entertaining to see his goofiness. In fact, towards the end, when the villain is about to dance with "Old Sparky", he launches into a fit that comes dangerously close to the genius of his Frank Booth character in "Blue Velvet". It's a sight to see, but as it comes within the context of this convoluted plot it doesn't achieve the creepiness the writer no doubt hoped for. Instead, it's wildly comedic. I laughed my ass off and decided it was worth the time wasted watching "Unspeakable" for that set of guffaws alone. Very expensive guffaws, indeed.

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