Monday, December 8, 2008

Random Randoms

~~~What happened to the Goo Goo Dolls? They put out one phenomenal album, "A Boy Named Goo", and then everything else since then has just sucked big time. Maybe they got pissed at critics constantly saying their music was a bit too remeniscent of the Replacements. So they honed another style that they felt was a bit more original, that suited them better. Then they had a hit or two with that sound and decided to stick with it. Well, more power to them, right? It they like it and it makes 'em money who am I to want them to back to that "Boy Named Goo" sound? But I do.

~~~Attention, Adam Duritz: variety is a good thing. Do you think you might could do something about that hairstyle you've been sporting for the last 15 years? It's weird...I used to consider myself quite a Counting Crows fan until I heard them do their version of "Big Yellow Taxi". I hate that song. So much so that now I can't listen to a lot of CC's material without filtering it through that ghastly performance. I can only hope that Sigur Ros doesn't decide to record it. Ugh.

~~~Those silent Starewicz stop action films I posted last night are AWESOME!!!!! I'd seen "Devil's Ball" on the "USA Night Flight" program back in the early 80s ("Devil's Ball" is an excerpt from "The Mascot" and begins at Part 2 of the post). I had no idea who was responsible for it ("Night Flight" didn't say). I couldn't remember what it was called. But it made such an impression that I've tried to track it down on the Internet for a long time, with no success. Until last night, that is, when the idea dawned upon me that if there were a "Night Flight" fansite there might be a chance of at least getting some information about the piece there. The hunch paid off and not only did I find "Devil's Ball", I was also exposed to other works from this genius animator. Thank God for YouTube and fast Internet connection speeds, eh.

~~~We keep saying we're gonna get a new microwave but we never do. I'm so tired of having to put frozen dinners in the one we have time and time again and STILL coming up with half-cold food.

~~~I had a "flying" dream last night! That's right, I COULD FLY! I've had this kind of dream many times in my life, but it's been a long time. In the dream I'll ask myself, "I wonder what it would feel like to fly?". Or "I think I might be able to fly!" Or something along those lines. Then, with a bit of effort I take off into the sky! Usually I don't know I'm dreaming until I get up in the air. That's when it hits me. Of course, I don't want to come down. I know that when I wake up it will all be over, so I try really hard not to wake up. "It's a dream...stay in the dream...don't even THINK about waking up." But I never stay in the air for too long before returning to the waking world (not nearly as long as I'd like). Last was a slightly different variation on the theme. I'm walking through a pasture or some wooded area and it is SO real. I don't know why but I start thinking, "This isn't a dream. I know it's not a dream. If this were a dream I would be able to fly." And I KNEW I couldn't, that this was no dream. "What the hell," I thought. "No harm in trying"...and voila! I step off and go sailing! I get really excited, thinking, "It IS a dream!!! It IS a dream! Now, don't wake up!" Unfortunately not long after going airborne I did just that. It was a hell of a cool dream, and it wasn't the only one I had last night. Lots of good 'uns. One in particular involved getting out of the shower, towel wrapped around my torso, and bumping into the babysitter, who could not keep her eyes from ogling the spot from which the towel fell. One thing led to another and...of course...that's when I woke up. ARRGH!

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