Tuesday, November 1, 2005


I woke up this morning
And I felt like hearing a secret from God
I thought He might have one for me
But He was teasing me, making me wait
Knowing full well
That I wasn't made for waiting
And I haven't reached the point yet
Where I've accepted
The dullness as necessary
The boredom as essential
To the appreciation of joy as it is intended
When it is dropped like a birthday present
Out of nowhere
The bliss extinguished by first awareness of it
The gut knowledge that it comes short and
It comes sweet and
It comes rarely
It is grieved for in the space of a moment
Before being left behind
So that we may search
For the next surprise
But the treasure queen has developed
An unfortunate tendency to hide away

The demons in my mind...
I've met each one
I've looked into each set of mirror-reflection eyes
And I know them intimately
Just as I know
I am powerless against their sway
Demon life
So maybe that's what's standing in the way

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