Thursday, July 1, 2010

I just got back from an appointment with my optometrist. I'm not sure if I've mentioned it here, but I've had some serious problems with my vision for a while now. It came time for my annual exam and I made a point of being very specific in what I told the doctor. I had even written down, over the course of the last few days, everything I noticed as it happened so I could tell him exactly what's been going on.

I have a pretty good feeling about the visit. He is a very capable optometrist and seemed to have a grip on the situation. I'm developing cataracts in the right eye, and that may be why I have trouble reading in "artificial light". Practically every medication I currently take has some kind of visual side effect but there's really no way of knowing which is doing what. My prescription changed, so I'll be getting new glasses. After insurance I'll still be paying $295, so that's a drag, but if it helps I suppose it's well worth it. I wouldn't think twice about it had not the last THREE pairs of glasses I bought been inadequate.

I'm thinking about doing a little volunteer work at the local nursing home. Well, not what I would consider "work", but there are probably a lot of people there who can't read anymore for whatever reason and who would appreciate it if someone read to them. That might be something I could do well that would give me a chance to get out of the house and socialize.

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