Wednesday, January 7, 2009

In regards to the clever work of prose-poetry that I wrote and posted for you yesterday I have been asked, by one of my loyal and devoted readers, this question:

"What is a 'go-hero pout'?"

To provide some scant context, the line is: "Take my pick, that’s the schtick. Maybe the doll in the unwashed dreadlocks? Maybe the gal with the go-hero pout. "

This is as close to cognizant that I can get:

It's three words that describe a circumstance or a situation that cannot adequately explained using the English language...nor can it be deciphered using MANY languages. It is taken directly from the engravings found on a statue depicting a Norse horse doctor who has just lost a difficult battle with a particular malaise that wound up killing the animal, with the help of the incompetent veterinarian's complete and utter inability to properly use a scalpel, a clamp and any other utnsil that contributea to "getting the job done"...only in this case it is not certain that the job that was actually done was the one the customers wanted to pay for.

Those dogs are sportin' GO-HERO POUTS.

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