Tuesday, January 6, 2009

"Cheerleader Affair"

I hear…I will…I do not understand, if you are speaking through me won’t you please make your presence known. If not, kindly show me to the door. Jolly rancher, jolly Rodger…Every rose has it’s burden, a shifting stone takes in all it has coming. A stitch to throw in a ditch saves just three under a dozen. Come in and care. Come in and make yourself at home. Come in here and cough up a phlegm-ball. Rest your weary head on my tombstone.

There’s a reason for all the things I do. Do you want to know what it is? One thing, and ONLY one thing: Pepto-Bismol. Shit gets things done. That’s my excuse, pardon me, sir, if you don’t get it, you won’t get it you won’t NEVER git it down in yer soul where it needs to be.

Never so young as you were that day. What a show. What a show. Pretty maids all in a row, fit to a one with tight trusses emblazoned. BUTNER BUTNER BUTNER! Three cheers for Butner. One big long cheer with corresponding slutty dirty dancing routine thrown in for free. From your friends in Butner.

They ate that right up. Didn’t even have to spoon feed ‘em. They’z musta bin reeeel hungery. Sure thought mine was special.

And it was.

Take my pick, that’s the schtick. Maybe the doll in the unwashed dreadlocks? Maybe the gal with the go-hero pout. Maybe the one with the sad dropping eyelids? Maybe the bitch with the genital itch. Maybe the whore with the venereal sore. Maybe the slut with the cellulite butt.

Or maybe the tiny, mousy mouse of a sprite, never had love look in her eye, that stuff only makes a man wonder why. Her shorn short and shut out the lights or you will never see that incredible aura and glow she dwells in like a bubble. She’s the one to choose. She’s the one, you can’t lose, you’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain, how can I make it more plain? You’re gonna get wet if it rains and I haven’t got time for the pain, Strange Woman. MY woman.

Make some plans for a one night stand I’m a dope smoking’ man and I sure get around and my life revolves around Strange Strange Woman. Strange customs. Strange habits. Strange ideas of just exactly how incredibly Strange they actually are. I’ve got mine, now you go get yours. We’re hookin’ up at the dance.

Dilly dance, dance of the week, American Bandstand dance and you didn’t like the words but it’s got a good beat so you give it an 85. You could dance to it.

Such was my hope. Twas to be my destiny, if luck stayed tucked in my pocket I was fittin’ to be gittin’ my share o’ what I got comin’…

…and I did.


  1. It's three words that describe a circumstance or a situation that cannot adequately explained using the English language...nor can it be deciphered using MANY languages. It is taken directly from the engravings found on a statue depicting a Norse horse doctor who has just lost a difficult battle with a particular malaise that wound up killing the animal, with the help of the incompetent veterinarian's complete and utter inability to properly use a scalpel, a clamp and any other utnsil that contributea to "getting the job done"...only in this case it is not certain that the job that was actually done was the one the customers wanted to pay for.

    Those dogs are sportin' GO-HERO POUTS.
