Monday, March 26, 2007

Jubal Blog: 6th Tri-City Jam Session

Yet another Tri-City Jam Session went down yesterday and though the turn-out was disappointing we still got a lot done, played some good music and generally had a good time. As has been the unfortunate trend over the last couple of weeks there were no jammers and only one guy who got up and sang one song (the song was "Wonderful Tonight" but, alas, I cannot remember the gentleman's name). We worked up a few songs to add to our set list, including "Bad, Bad Leroy Brown", "Like a Hurricane" and "Hey Bartender" (there were probably a couple more, but I can never remember all of them the day after).

Once again we did "the acoustic thing", where each individual member takes the stage with only an acoustic guitar for accompaniment.

There was a rumour that Jubal's absence was due to a last minute trip he took to Thailand for the purpose of replacing a can opener. But I got a call from him late last night after the show, and here's what he said...

"Hey! Man, I am SO sorry I missed the jam tonight. I have a friend who pulled some strings and got me a show doing stand up comedy in McAlester. Lemme tell you, folks down there have absolutely no sense of humour. One good thing that came out of it all, though. I helped put a couple of escaped convicts back behind bars. It was a last minute deal. I had to change my plans, 'cause I was wanting to go to Thailand. You see, I've got this can opener..."

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