Sunday, May 28, 2006

I Answer the Proust Questionnaire ...

Here are my answers to the Proust Questionairre...

- Your most marked characteristic? My heighth and body-build have been noted as being somewhat "imposing"

- The quality you most like in a man? A certain laid back, mellow ease

- The quality you most like in a woman? A free spirit and exceptional taste

- What do you most value in your friends? Loyalty, acceptance

- What is your principle defect? Emotional instability

- What is your favorite occupation? Making music

- What is your dream of happiness? Perfection within and without

- What to your mind would be the greatest of misfortunes? To somehow lose my wife and son

- What would you like to be? Happy with who I am in the moment

- In what country would you like to live? A newly established country on another planet

- What is your favorite color? I have often wondered if I am weird because I have never had a favorite color. They are all pretty pleasing, if you ask me, it all depends on context, right?

- What is your favorite flower? Likewise though I find most all flowers to be quite lovely, I would not go so far as to say that I have chosen a favorite.

- What is your favorite bird? Bats are pretty neat, but you just can't beat a peacock for gaudy scenery (If I were an eater of fowl I would have loved to give the following answer:
-What is your favorite bird?Chicken...fried, not baked.
Ha ha ha!

- Who are your favorite prose writers? Lester Bangs, John Updike, several more

- Who are your favorite poets? Charles Baudelaire, William Blake, Bob Dylan, Walt Whitman

- Who is your favorite hero of fiction? Andy Sipowicz

- Who is your favorite poster? There are a few, I wouldn't want to name just one

- Who are your favorite heroines of fiction? Aunt Bea

- Who are your favorite composers? Bach, Beethoven, Mozart...the usual suspects, as well as Glass, Reich and Stockhausen

- Who are your favorite painters? M.C. Escher, Salvador Dali, Man Ray

- Who are your heroes in real life? US Military, all firemen and most policemen, basically anyone who educates themselves for the sake of gaining wisdom and knowledge, whether they are successful as a result or not, they have enriched themselves on their own accord and that's worth emulating

- What is it you most dislike? A lot of the qualities I find in myself, I'm afraid. But I can't stand condescension, phoniness, excessive machismo, people who take too much for granted, a fightin' drunk...I don't like being talked down to nor do I appreciate false modesty.

- What natural gift would you most like to possess? Compassion

- How would you like to die? I'm not gonna die...But I'd like to leave this body behind while comfortably tucked into bed, eyes closed, lost in the middle of a heavenly dream...If I were feeling suicidal I would tell you that a lethal heroin overdose sounds wonderful...I'm NOT feeling suicidal, though, and I feel I should point out that I have never tried heroin nor do I ever intend to try it...unless, of course, I get suicidal and take the killer dose, which cannot really be classified as "trying heroin", since it's effectiveness will have rendered obsolete any future dabblings with the stuff. Beat it at it's own game...shoot it WANTING to die, then it can't really kill you, it can only deliver you to the afterlife...
Wow, that got a little bizarre...

- What is your present state of mind? Cluttered

- To what faults do you feel most indulgent? Procrastination

- What is your motto? I was not issued a motto at the time of my incubation and birthing period. I was born in a time before such motto placement had become mandatory. However, if I were to choose my OWN motto (ludicrous idea, that), it would probably be "Lord, Kill The Pain"

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