Saturday, May 20, 2006

From The Morning: Why People Hate Christians

I've been reading From The Morning for a long time now, and just came from reading his recent article about Why People Hate Christians...he's spot-on, in my opinion, about a lot of it. I just have to wonder how many people out there think that Christianity looks like what you see on the Trinity Broadcast Network and I just want to scream, IT'S NOT!
Then there are the times when you get involved in a conversation with another Christian and it turns out that this person buys into a great deal of the TBN BS. So you risk offending them when you speak your mind and criticize the heresy their buying into.
The Bible tells us to expect to be hated, darkness and light cannot dwell together...But I do wonder if people hate us for a legitimate reason (assuming there is one) or if they've even thought about why they have a negative reaction to us and what we believe...

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