Sunday, February 5, 2006

More Excuses

I haven't been blogging very much lately. My artsy-fartsy Nausea & Bliss blog hasn't been updated since the new year kicked in (and I only did one post there in December '05) and the January '06 archive vault here in the Listening Room is pretty slim pickings...
So what gives?
I think a lot of it is just that I feel the need to get away from the computer for extended periods, and though this has become increasingly difficult to do, I can put a dent in the time spent online by avoiding the good ole Blogger Dashboard. Just a quick check to verify the barren condition of my e-mail account then a short glance at the Castaways boards and my cyberspace experience is manageably condensed.
But then I come around to the point where I realize how much time and energy I've invested in this particular blog...I would like to be able to update it more regularly than I do, but by the same token I don't want to clutter it up with excessively trivial matter posted simply for the sake of consistant updating. Truth is I don't feel like I've really had anything worth sharing lately...that, plus the things that I've had on my mind aren't really the kinds of things that I feel comfortable writing about in this forum.
And so we come to this juncture, where I find myself writing about NOT writing, about how the Muse and Inspiration both have been avoiding me like the plague.
They'll come back around soon enough, no doubt.
So please, don't give up on the Listening Room, dear reader and Blogosphere Jockeys...

PS...I would also like to point out, for no other reason than because I noticed it, that I have never recieved an e-mail response to anything on this blog...
So hey, be the first! My e-mail addy is in the right sidebar...let me know what I could do to improve the blog, whatever you might want to suggest.

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