Friday, August 21, 2009

A new look...

You might notice a few changes around here. I finally broke down and decided to use the New Blogger layouts & gadgets on this blog. I was kind of tired of the design on the Chromosome 11 blog, which was basically a hacked Final Sense template. I'd thought about moving shop to WordPress and actually got to the point where I'd imported the blog there. It didn't take too very long before I realized I wouldn't like it, so I experimented with the original one at blogger, wanting to see what I could do with the new layouts, which I haven't messed with much in the past. I was under the impression that you could do a lot more with a classic template blog if you knew even just a little HTML (which is about all I know...a little bit). No doubt you can, but after seeing a lot of music blogs that were employing the new layouts I was impressed with how "clean" they looked. Stream-lined, I guess would be a good term. Not cluttered, like mine was. That was the main reason I switched, plus I liked how I could change background/text colors and sizes so easily. It would be nice if they had a few more fonts to choose from, but that's no big deal. And the blogroll feature is AWESOME!

So I hope you like it...and I hope I don't get tired of it soon, wanting to re-design again...I mean, I put a LOT of work into the last design, what with all the links to the bands/artists in the "music I like" list. I've got a few things left to do here before I will perfectly satisfied (mainly a couple of links lists). But it's coming along nicely.

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