Monday, June 1, 2009

Here it is, June 1. My blogging output last month was pathetic. Relatively so. Many is the time I felt like I should write something but simply could not find motivation to do it. Or I would write a few paragraphs and decide I didn't really want to post it after all. I try so hard to be grammatically correct and not repetitive. This slows me down considerably and it's usually a futile exercise because I still fuck up on both counts. It's just a blog, I know. It's not as if lots of people are keeping up with it. I decided long ago that the purpose here would be to just post stuff that I thought was interesting, maybe some personal stuff, the occassional prose/poetry I come up with.

As for the interesting stuff...I've reached a point where very little on the Internet amuses me. When I first installed StumbleUpon I wasted massive chunks of time surfing the web. I'd find humorous and/or unique videos, images, sites, etc. and would post them if I thought they were cool enough. But these days I guess my sense of humor has changed (I won't say "evolved", but that IS how I see it). So much of what passes for comedy on the Net is just plain stupid. There's nothing even remotely funny about the majority of it. Maybe it's just because I'm from an older generation than the ones who put it out there. Whatever the reason, it insults what little intelligence I may have. And as for the unique stuff...well that gets harder and harder to find every day.

I'd like to post more personal stuff, but I'm afraid that a few people I know might not appreciate it. I don't know why I should care, I'm thinking I probably will be getting a lot more personal in the future. If what I am, and what I have to say offends anyone, well, I don't suppose there's much I can do about it. I don't call myself a Christian anymore because I felt like I was pretending, trying to be something or someone that I wasn't. That's a pretty big step, I think. So why should I be upset if there are people who think I don't live up to their ideals or standards? They aren't mine. And it's not as if there are a whole lot of people whose opinions matter to me. I would like to think that those people would accept me for who I am and not make it their mission to try and change me. So I guess I will post a lot more personal stuff...

And finally, as for the odd bit of poetry...It comes when it comes. It's kind of weird, because I do get inspired to write it every once in a while, but to be honest, I don't like poetry in general. That's difficult more me to admit, because I always thought I SHOULD like it. I enjoy literature, but I have yet to find a poet or a poem that just blew me away. I do like to write prose (for lack of a better term for it). I have to be in the mood, but I enjoy it. I almost always post those things here, and I am sure I will continue. I've got June 09 in the archive list. My computer battery is dying or I would post some random thoughts. Later.

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