Sunday, July 27, 2008

It wasn't too long ago I was blogging about the move we had to make from the house we lost to the one we're in now. I haven't re-read it, but I'm sure it mentioned what a drag such an endeavor always is. The packing, the heavy lifting, the loading, the unloading, the unpacking, the settling in...what a litany of active boredom. I hate moving. I've done it too many times, I'm too old to want to do it.

And now, here we are again, only 4 months after the last one, we are making the move again. Hopefully this time will be a little bit easier than the last few. We're moving into a house that I actually really like, one that holds a lot of memories for me (good and bad, but MINE nonetheless). All three of us are thrilled to get Dad's house. I'm sure it will actually be fun to unload and set up house. I don't know if that's ever been the case before.

To ease the strain, we've hired a couple of movers. Neither Stacie or me are up to transporting extremely heavy items, as we learned all too well back in April. The hope is to get everything we can move by car to the house before these guys show up. Then they would only have to do only the stuff we absolutely could not, and maybe, just maybe they'll get it done within the 2 hour minimum that we're paying for.

We're making it a little easier on them as well...we bought brand new beds and living room furniture yesterday. The store's delivery people will take care of all that.

We spent $3500 at Marquis Furniture yesterday. I think that's more than I've ever spent anywhere on anything, not counting automobiles. But it's nice stuff. Sofa recliner, love seat recliner and rocking recliner...a really nice coffee table with matching end table...It's going to be a great living room once we get some drapes. As for the beds...Stacie and I have never owned anything bigger than a Queen size bed. It's plenty big enough, I think we'd both agree...but what the hell, right? Might as well indulge. Got a brand new King size comin' Monday. Bryan is stepping up from a twin to a full size, so you know he's got to be happy about that (you know, I had nothing but a twin bed until several months after marrying my first wife...that's right, the two of us slept in a twin bed for a long time. Don't ask me how we did it...I have no idea).

To change the subject, I have become addicted to Mahjongg. Bryan showed me how it was played. I took some time to get familiar with the symbols on the tiles and I'm getting better with every game. I've got a game program that includes 20 or 30 Mahjongg designs and I'm working through each one of them. I'm sure I'll eventually order a disc that's made up of nothing but Mahjongg games. Yes, it is a "waster of time", but then again, it keeps my mind preoccupied and prevents it from thinking some of the fucked up thoughts that have plagued me over the years.

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