Monday, February 5, 2007

I lost myself...

I lost myself, scratching wire mesh screen
Secured and restrained
Drained of joy, unenjoyed
Cold steel barrel taste on the tongue
Lingers on and on, copper and chrome

Line of sight reflected down tunnel dark
Mirror glass broken shard heart
Squeeze darker, I lost myself
Whirling in a Shaker's dance mosh pit
Pushed to the floor
Trampled purposefully

An abomination for you, ear-plugged
Curses and cursed blessings, already cursed
So that you will know
Who has sent
A priest's lips, a messenger
Turn and stumble

Inquisitive burden a question mark
Burned, hot coal on my tongue
Ringing ears, drowning in vinegar
Raining down into this shell
A Dali masterwork
Frightening all who behold

1 comment:

  1. pretty intense, JACkory.

    surreal, yes. A masterwork, aren't we all? 'cept i ain't
    frightened by you man, on the contrary.
    shaun 'thoRn' lawton
