Saturday, October 3, 2009

We went to Wal-Mart to buy groceries today...which would not normally be a big deal, but this time we had to be conscious of the sodium and fat levels in the food we bought. The wife and I have kind of gone into this diet thing together. She's wanted to do it for a long time, but always became discouraged at some point. Now that I HAVE to diet she sees it as an opportunity to support me while getting herself in shape at the same time. She's had heart problems for most of her life, so she really should have been eating better up until now. Better late than never, I suppose.

Wal-Mart was ridiculous. I guess a lot of people got their food stamps and/or social security checks.

We went to the football game last night, as we wanted to watch Bryan march with the band at halftime. I insisted that we sit on the north end of the bleachers. We have always sat on the southside in the past, but I was wanting to avoid having to listen to and watch the cheerleaders. God, I hate cheering. Plus, I thought it might be a nice change to be on the other end. Stacie didn't have a problem with it, but she kind of moaned and groaned about there being no one she knew that she could talk to. I guess everyone she knows always sits on the other end. I could tell she was wishing we hadn't changed the routine. Then, next thing you know, here come a family from her church. Not too long after that the preacher and his wife showed up and sat behind us. Needless to say, she didn't bitch after that.

The game was a good one, though the home team lost by one point. It was clear to me, fairly early one, that the visiting team was the better of the two. Not by a whole lot, but obviously enough to matter.

I'm still feeling pretty good, as far as I've been able to keep my anger in check. I've had a couple of bouts with depression, but without the meanness mixed in I've been able to handle it. Actually a little glad that they came along because it assured me that my medication was working---I guarantee you that I was in the beginning stages of a manic escalation...great feeling when that happens, but you don't want to lose the fact that I didn't get any higher was an indication.

I know that's not much interesting to say...I suppose it has been a little boring.

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