Maybe I've just missed it...maybe Marcus and Joni haven't been on vacation...if so, maybe they just returned. I do know, however, that they're back!
Yes, the apple of my eye, Joni Lamb is back on TV singing with the Daystar Singers and trying to get a word or two in between Marcus' hogging of the interview segment (and I must apologize to him here and now for mistakenly referring to him as "Charles" in the last couple of posts I've done about dreamboat Joni...don't know where I got 'Charles' from, but I suspect it may have something to do with the subliminal powers of a certain episode of "M*A*S*H" sorry, Marcus).
The "Celebration" program for today was a delightful blend of evangelism, music and comedy. The latter supplied by Pastor Rod Parsley (who now goes by the surname of DR. Rod Parsley...who knew?) and the ceaseless promotion of his most recent book, "Politically Incorrect". The bulk of the evangelizing on the show was also done by DR. Parsley. Unfortunately his is a message of spiritual segregation combined with a staunch attack on post-modernism (with a very limited understanding of what post-modernism really is). If that weren't bad enough, the whole thing becomes diluted to the point of irrelevancy by his tireless pitching of "Politically Incorrect", which Marcus Lamb, in a grand gesture of Parsley ass-kissing, goes so far as to suggest should be used as curriculum in schools...for what kind of class, I don't know, but the day my son brings home a treatise by Rod Parsley and says it's a textbook, that will be the day we will be looking for another venue of education.
Now, I only caught the last 20 minutes of the show, so I don't know what kind of camera time my sweetheart got during the first half. But I'll tell you this---it surely had to have been more than she got in the second. And that, my friends, pisses me off. The ONLY reason I watch this show, it should come as no surprise to my loyal readers, is for the uplifting glimpse of Marcus' better half. There weren't NEARLY enough of those in today's installment. Even the Daystar Singers spot was focused on two of the second-tier vocalists and showed Joni a scant few times. What's up with that? Don't they know that Joni is the STAR of that ensemble? Well, she is, so those cameramen and producers had better get their shit together or I'll boycott "Celebration" and only watch "Joni"...uh...naw, I don't suppose I'll boycott any show that Joni is on.
As for Marcus...if I had a dog that was as ugly as Marcus Lamb is, I'd shave his ass and teach him to walk backwards!
No, no, no...I was only kidding. Nothing against Marcus (other than the fact that he stole my girl)...I was only looking for an excuse to use that joke. Marcus is not in the least bit ugly, although he does exhibit an aspect of femininity that is at odds with the kind of attention, affection and pure, uninhibited passion that Joni requires and which only I can provide.
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