One night, a few weeks ago, I decided to check out the ABC News & Talk channel on my XM. It was the first time I'd ever heard of Mark Levin. He reminded me a little bit of Alan Berg, and I always loved him, so I gave Levin a listen. That night he was ranting about "the Libs", throwing out "nicknames" such as Hillary Rotten Clinton and Nancy "Stretch" Pelosi, among others. Hilarious stuff. About as conservative as you can get...I don't even know if my opinions can be called Conservative or Liberal, but I do find myself agreeing with just about everything Levin says.
He's an immensely entertaining host and worth listening to regardless of your political affiliation.
[Update 1.13.10: I haven't listened to Levin in a while, but his brand of snobbish conservative democrat bashing has become very distasteful to me. Forgive me my naivete.]
On the other end of the spectrum is this bozo, a character named "Smilin' Bob", who is a marketing creation for some "male enhancement" supplement called Enzyte. Smilin' Bob's commercials are very possibly the most annoying things on television right now (the Avis Car Rental's "I Wanna Rock" spot is the only thing that might be considered in the same league). Not only is the Enzyte most likely coated sugar pill placebos, these commercials are entirely too long. If I knew ANYONE like Smilin' Bob in real life I'd smack that smile right off of his face in less time than you can say "male enhancement". A guy like him probably needs more "male enhancement" than your typical male...I wonder if it's possible to overdose on Enzyte? Hey, Smilin' Bob! I think you may need a lethal dose of this stuff to enhance your personality.

Then there are these guys. They are perpetually parked at a Sonic drive through restaurant eating vittles, drinking Full Throttle Fury slushes or enjoying root beer floats. Now I actually LIKE these guys. They're FUNNY! That counts for a lot in commercial advertising, the vast majority of which insults the intelligence of most 4 year olds. Like the Geico Caveman spots, I think the Sonic guys are some of the only truly entertaining characters in all of TV (there are also spots with a married couple and they're just as funny).
They rely on the tried-and-true method of the "funny guy" playing off of the "straight guy". The guy on the right is always the straight guy. The guy on the left is always the funny guy. There's probably not a single brain to be divided between the two of them.
The straight guy sports an expression that conveys a sense of questioning even the most obvious of things, almost as if it's a result of some mild drug usage, maybe the brain-numbing aftermath of more serious drug usage in the recent past.
The funny guy is just downright goofy. He doesn't know he's goofy, and the funny thing is, the straight guy doesn't know he's goofy, either! So they play off of that dynamic, the straight guy befuddled, confused by the funny guy's antics.
I don't know what the connection between them and Sonic is, other than they are always eating Sonic food...the things they say often have nothing to do with the fine restaurant chain. But like I said , they are FUNNY. And that's more than I can say for a good 95% of what passes for "comedy" even on network programming, let alone the commercials.
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