Sunday, August 6, 2006

Meme-Ology (yeah, I'm still alive...physically, at least)

Sorry I haven't blogged much lately. I've considered blogging the REASONS for the absence in detail, and who knows but that I might do just that, but it won't be today.
Instead, to keep things going, I have decided to fill out a meme for you all, since I haven't done one in so long. This one I found at From the Circle City to Crop Circles...Kel's Little Adventures.
It's called "Meme-Ology".

What is your salad dressing of choice? Right now it's Honey French, but I'm starting to get burned out on that. I can't stick with one for very long without the aforementioned burn-out factor. That said, if I'm eating at Ken's Pizza you KNOW I'm chowing on some Alpine Italian.

What is your favorite fast food restaurant? Taco Mayo

What is your favorite sit down restaurant? Chili's is pretty good, but my wife got food poisoning there last time we visited so I've had a hard time getting her to go back with me...

On average, what size tip do you leave at a restaurant? Depends on the service, but I try to adhere to the 15% rule.

What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of? Pizza

Name three foods you detest above all others. 1. Liver 2. All seafood. 3. Beets

What is your favorite dish to order in a Chinese restaurant? I don't care for Chinese. The few times I've eaten from a Chinese buffet (not by choice, btw) I just chose the stuff that wasn't made with fish or chicken. I guess egg rolls are okay with that sweet red sauce, but I couldn't eat many of 'em.

What are your pizza toppings of choice? Pepperoni, Italian Sausage, red onions, green peppers and lately I've had a hankering for plain old cheese.

What do you like to put on your toast? real butter and grape jelly

What is your favorite type of gum? Eclipse spearmint


Number of contacts in your cell phone? What cell-phone?

Number of contacts in your email address book? I think there are about 25 or 30, but I don't use my e-mail all that often.

What is your wallpaper on your computer? Right now it's the Black Cat firecracker logo tiled.

What is your screen-saver on your computer? My son has this thing for The Phantom of the Opera, and he has put up quite an elaborate POTO screen-saver on our computer. It's actually kind of cool.

Are there naked pictures saved on your computer? Maybe a few artistic renderings...:)

How many land line phones do you have in your house? Just one...don't know why anyone would care, though.

How many televisions are in your house? Three, but only one gets watched with any degree of regularity.

What kitchen appliance do you use the least? Waffle maker...although it does make some pretty doggone delicious waffles!

What is the format of the radio station you listen to the most? Changes with the general mood I'm in...lately it's been scads of Modern Jazz on XM Satellite Radio.


What do you consider to be your best physical attribute? My eyes.

Are you right handed or left handed? Right.

Do you like your smile? If it's not a self-conscious smile I don't mind it, but otherwise I don't.

Have you ever had anything removed from your body? 2 or 3 teeth.

Would you like to? I can't think of anything I'd want removed.

Do you prefer to read when you go to the bathroom? If it's going to be a visit of any length, then yes, I do. Reading material of choice lately has been Esquire magazine, but I've just supplemented the bathroom reading hamper with a recent copy of the Collector's Choice Music catalogue, so I may get behind on the other stuff.

Which of your five senses do you think is keenest? Probably my hearing, tinnitus and all notwithstanding

When was the last time you had a cavity? Oh, I'm sure I have a few even now. I'm afraid that if I go to the dentist I'll wind up losing a good 2/3rds of my teeth, so I've avoided it (even though I do enjoy going under that nitrous oxide.

What is the heaviest item you lift regularly? I much does a stainless steel fork weigh?

Have you ever been knocked unconscious? Nope, unless you count passing out as a result of excessive marijuana intake...if you do, well I suppose there have been a few times...


If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die? NO. God, no..

If you could change your first name, what would you change it to? Ian.

How do you express your artistic side? Well, my artistic side has been hiding from me lately, but the general rule is that it prefers to be expressed by playing the guitar, writing songs and doing fun junk on the computer (like this blog, fer instance).

What color do you think you look best in? Black.

How long do you think you could last in a medium security prison? Not too long. I'd lose my mind pretty quick

Have you ever swallowed a non-food item by mistake? Just the other day I accidentally swallowed a sunflower seed still in it's shell.

If we weren’t bound by society’s conventions, do you have a relative you would make a pass at? Of course not.
How often do you go to church? I used to go every Sunday morning, but since I just had this psychotic episode a couple of months back and I'm still sort of recuperating from that I have only gone once in about a month and a half. I'm kind of in a strange place spiritually and have not wanted to go to the church I'm a member of.

Have you ever saved someone’s life? True story: When I was just a little kid, probably between 8 & 11 years old, I was sleeping with my brother and father (hard times, I don't think my bro and I even had beds of our own) and I had this dream that a local cafe where my mom worked at the time was on fire...I woke up, smelled smoke and then looked under the bed to find that it was on fire. I woke up my dad and brother, alerting dad to the situation, and he put the fire out. So I guess I saved all our lives that night.

Has someone ever saved yours? One of the developmentally disabled guys I used to work with alerted me to a driver who was squeezing into the same exit I was and I'm pretty sure it would have been a fatality wreck if he hadn't done that, because I didn't see the other guy. So I have to give him recognition (thanks Mike!).


Would you walk naked for a half mile down a public street for $100,000? I don't think so.

Would you kiss a member of the same sex for $100? No.

Would you have sex with a member of the same sex for $10,000? No.

Would you allow one of your little fingers to be cut off for $200,000? No.

Would you never blog again for $50,000? Probably. Who's offering? ;)

Would you pose naked in a magazine for $250,000? No.

Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000? No.

Would you, without fear of punishment, take a human life for $1,000,000? This is getting ridiculous. No, of course not.

Would you shave your head and get your entire body waxed for $5,000? Now there's something I wouldn't have an aversion to doing for money, but howzabout up-ing the ante to $10,000?

Would you give up watching television for a year for $25,000? YES. That would be SO easy to do.

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