Saturday, January 7, 2006

New Year's Resolution

You'd think that my New Year's resolution was to avoid blogging, eh?
But no, I just have not been sufficiently motivated to post so far this year. I've been too busy doing other things, but I imagine I'll find the time to regale you with my exploits before too long. In the meantime, the archives are available for your amusement.
Actually my New Year's resolution included chilling out, not being quite so self-critical (lightening up on myself), becoming more interested in other people and getting out of the house more often to see/hear live music, especially supporting the local bands that I have come to enjoy the most:
Fellowship Students
Little League Hero
Basement Dynasty
Twenty Minutes To Vegas
Ghost of Monkshood
...and I'm always on the lookout for other worthy acts...Oklahoma really has a great music scene going on right now, but I don't know if even a small segment of the population realizes it. I spoke to a guy who owns and operates a music store in Shawnee and asked him if he'd ever heard of the Fellowship Students (probably my favorite of a very high quality lot) and he had no clue who they were. It's a shame, too, cuz they are the kind of band that makes you wonder why they haven't been signed by a major label and sent on a world tour.
Hopefully I'll also find time to write about these shows here, but I 'm already behind in the game, cuz I saw a great Little League Hero/Basement Dynasty double bill last week and even though I wanted to write it up here I put it off. And right now I really should be touting the amazing TMTV/Fellowship Students show I witnessed last night instead of making excuses for not blogging in the new year.
But I'm still here...the wildfires have not blown towards our house yet (though a couple have come too close for comfort) and the ISP bill is paid, so I imagine you'll hear about it all sooner or later.

(Postscript: It's March 2008 as I write and I have probably gone out to see a live band approximately ZERO times since I made this resolution. - JAC)

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