I fear that the Blogosphere may be due for a plague of advertisement-driven "blogs" the likes of which will make surfing a tedious affair. Is there anything that can be done about this?
Anyone who has spent any time clicking on the NavBar's "Next Blog" button knows exactly what I mean. Blogs that are nothing more than random words sandwiching countless links to the same place. Blogs that are nothing more than the cyberspace equivalent of a Wal-Mart sales circular. Blogs as marketing tools for everything from Persian rugs to online gambling websites.
This morning I stumbled across no less than 10 of these parasitical "blogs" in a row, which was a new record for me. Truth be told, it's usually more like a 1 out of 3 or 4 ratio of bogus blogs to REAL blogs.
I suppose that's the price to be paid for the ease-of-use we enjoy with Blogger. Just like any good thing, there are going to be scumbags who will abuse and exploit.
But it's still a shame, and I just had to say something about it.
And so, with that out of the way, here's the short list of what I thought were EXCEPTIONAL and EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD blogs I surfed into today:
Jessika's Journal *Painted from my life in the Philadelphia area...Jessika is an incredibky talented writer and seems to have a knack for designing blogs that are entertaining, interesting and appealing to the eye. She makes me want to visit Philly...
Anonymous Rowhouse...guided not by the erratic NavBar but instead pushing off from the Naked Bloggers Webring link that Jessika was kind enough to provide in her journal and I find that there seems to be an awful lot of quality blogs put out by Naked Bloggers...Justrose is ALSO from Philly (apparently a mecca for Naked Blogging) and she proves that there must be something to blogging in the nude.
I'll have to try it sometime...
(Oh wait...I've done that already...I just forgot)
Wow, thanks!