Wednesday, March 30, 2005

OT: Meme #1

This is a bit off topic, but I couldn't resist throwing my hat into the meme ring and posting my answers to this one.

"You're stuck inside Fahrenheit 451 - which book do you want to be?"
Moby Dick or On The Waterfront...something with a lot of water so I can escape the fire when they come to burn the library I belong to.

"Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character?"
Does Linda Blair count as a fictional character? I sure enough had it bad for her when I was a youngster. If not, then I'd have to say Regan (from The Exorcist), Chris (from Born Innocent) and Sarah (from Sarah T: Portrait of a Teenage Alcoholic). Let's see, that's under-age drinking, juvenile delinquency and demon possession. Is it any wonder I had a thing for her?

"What is the last book you bought?"
I bought a compact sized large-print leather bound edition of the King James Version of the Holy Bible. I have so many translations, but I was really beginning to get into the KJV, so I figured I'd get a nice copy that I could carry around.

"What is the last book you read?"
How Now Shall We Live by Charles Colson and Nancy Pearcey

"What are you currently reading?"
Somewhat simultaneously:
~~~Mastering The New Testament: Matthew by Myron S. Augsburger
~~~The Farthest Shore by Ursula K. Le Guin
~~~Best Sermons: 1959-1960 Protestant Edition edited by G. Paul Butler
~~~Systematic Theology by Dr. Norman Geisler
"What five books you would take to a deserted island?" 1.) The Holy Bible (NIV Study Edition)
2.) The Holy Bible (King James Version)
3.) The Complete Works of William Shakespeare
4.) "The Knowledge of the Holy" by A. W. Tozer
5.) Bulfinch's Mythology

Who knows, but that I might do this more often. You've been warned.
And just in case you're wondering why I didn't choose, for instance, The Grove Dictionary of Music or some other extremely in-depth, lengthy text on music...I thought about it. But then I figured this was a desert island I was never going to be rescued would be torture to read about all the great music in the world without ever getting to hear it again, left with only the memories absorbed during the days of living in a civilized society to work with.

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