Thursday, April 29, 2010

First Thought it Felt

Do you remember how you first thought it felt?

Forget it
Let it go
It doesn't feel like that anymore
If feels hard and cold
Slick almost slimy
Not your promised spirit
Only thick metal
Unyielding to the touch
No longer judging
No longer fighting
No more bitterness
A blunt weapon of defense
Forget it, won't you please just let it go

I was asleep
But I thought I was awake
I thought I could hear
Deep music, but only in my dream
So the music must have come
From the other side

I stand...amazed and confused
Almost frightened
They keep falling and they keep burning
They kept falling and they kept on burning
And I stand consuming it all
Taking it all in, like nasty medicine
I saw Thor's hammer swinging down from
Smashing the castle, falling down
Explode into ash and dust
I peer into this tortured memory
I see the how and I see the why
I see it all
And I know it for what it is
Mercury's Angel opened my eyes and
Revealed this new covenant of YHWH
Sealed in the blood of believers and bastards
Enlighten together the smart and the dumb
He say, "Get him down, off of that that cross"

"First Thought It Felt"

From Bipolar Confessional...

"First Thought It Felt"

Do you remember how you first thought it felt?

Forget it
Let it go
It doesn't feel like that anymore
If feels hard and cold
Slick almost slimey
Not your promised spirit
Only thick metal
Unyielding to the touch
No longer judging
No longer fighting
No more bitterness
A blunt weapon of defense
Forget it, won't you please just let it go

I was asleep
But I thought I was awake
I thought I could hear
Deep music, but only in my dream
So the music must have came
From the other side

I stand...amazed and confused
Almost frightened
They keep falling and they keep burning
They kept falling and they kept on burning
And I stand consuming it all
Taking it all in, like nasty medicine
I saw Thor's hammer swinging down from
Smashing the castle, falling down
Explode into ash and dust
I peer into this tortured memory
I see the how and I see the why
I see it all
And I know it for what it is
Mercury's Angel opened my eyes and
Revealed this new covenant of YHWH
Sealed in the blood of believers and bastards
Enlighten together the smart and the dumb
He say, "Get him down, off of that that cross"

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Last Dream Down

Look at this pile of rubbish
Spilled from a poisoned mine
A plundered treasure chest
With nothing left worth taking
I couldn't give it away
A cruel moment
Opens my eyes to it's worth
Fit for fire
Last dream down
It's time to wake up now
My legacy embarrasses me
Time to recoil
From the god that made me
This way
Without blame
No bitter words thrown
Perhaps a trace of resentment
A sense of loss
Something that might have been
Time to accept truth
Hold it in like rising bile
Step out for a lucid moment
Look see the naive self-pity
Demands for attention not deserved or earned
Slave to the ego
Wanting only to feed it
Until it's fat
Still shoving it in
Even as these words are spewing out
Expecting, in vain, to be heard
By a world
Crushing my back

Monday, April 19, 2010

For the last several days I have been in some serious pain. One of my upper back teeth has cracked or chipped or something along those lines. The points are extremely sharp and they are positioned in such a manner that they continually stab and jab at the skin directly behind it. After a couple of days it was so tenderized I could hardly chew and anything remotely spicy makes it burn. We've tried using that temporary dental paste, but it's useless because there isn't really a hole there, just two sharp fragments. I've only this evening begun sticking a cotton ball between the teeth and the skin...I wish I had done it a lot sooner. It does help, in that it keeps me from accidentally biting into the sore. That's been the real problem, it hasn't been given the chance to heal up because of the constant sticking. I will be calling a dentist tomorrow and with any luck I can have the tooth pulled before I develop a taste for Ensure.

Back in a more realistic state of mind after almost a week traveling the outer regions of inner space. Always a difficult transition, but not as bad as I can remember it being not all that long ago. But seeing as how I was on mental vacation it is no surprise that I've missed a few things. I've fallen behind in my reading...two books that I may never finish between these lost weekends and my failing vision.

Our neighbors to the east have moved out. The landlord's lackey's have been doing quite a bit of cleaning up, painting, fixing stuff that was broken during the previous tenants stay. They were pretty decent neighbors, I suppose. They never got too loud, minded their own business for the most part, didn't trash the place too much...Really can't ask for much more than that...Oh, they weren't very good about keeping the lawn mowed, but the guy was in the military and gone most of the time and his wife was taking care of their two kids, so it didn't bother me too much.

Should be getting my pre-ordered copy of Jonsi's album here in the next day or two. I thought it might be in the mail today, but no such luck. I have been enjoying the music a lot, but would like to have the official disc and not just my burned copy. Looking forward to watching the DVD, too.

I don't think there's much else I can think of to write about.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Civil Twilight: "Letters from the Sky"

I don't generally pay any attention to the facebook ads that say stuff like: "Sigur Ros fan? Check out so-and-so!" But this morning I said "what the hell, let's just see what THIS Sigur Ros fan thinks." The band being pitched this morning was Civil Twilight. And I hate to say it, but they are actually quite good. There is definitely a trace of the Sigur Ros style in "Letters from the Sky", but only a hint. They sound a lot more like U2 than Sigur Ros. I was disappointed to see that they are on the Wind-Up record label, which brought us the wretched, pseudo-Christian rock stylings as Creed. There's some Christian imagery in their song that I could do without, but it doesn't really ruin it. In fact, I very much like it.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Music Video of the Week: Roky Erickson

Realized last night that I have yet to feature the legendary Roky Erickson in the Music Video of the Week feature. I resolved to hunt down a good video to present to you this morning, but there were so many excellent ones that I had difficulty choosing just one. So, instead, I've decided to post the documentary "Demon Angel" in it's entirety, broken down into 6 segments. If you're unfamiliar with Roky and his story, please get a copy of "You're Gonna Miss Me" and watch it. You'll be intrigued and might just want to check out more from this talented, gifted yet haunted man.

Vintage21 Jesus Video funnyfunnyfunny stuff

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My Affirmations

I am not, by nature, a "positive thinker". On the contrary, I have always been far too cynical and I am the biggest misanthrope you're ever likely to meet. But I do accept that it is good practice to affirm those things that bring peace of mind and to make the effort to realize them. So I looked deep inside me, where fools dare to tread, and found these...IDEALS, seldom realized, but held dear. I hope you find something in them with which you can stand in agreement with me. -JAC

~~~I will not take for granted the blessings that have been bestowed upon me.

~~~I will be grateful for those blessings and give thanks for them.

~~~I will not belittle those whose beliefs I do not share and likewise will not be swayed by those who would have me believe as they do.

~~~I will be grateful for all that has been given me, whether I know it is mine or not.

~~~I will extend compassion whenever needed and withhold judgment until warranted.

~~~I will allow good things into my secret place and will expel any evil I may find hidden there.

~~~I will give to the Creator what rightfully belongs to the Creator; I belong to the Creator, with all that I know and all that I see.

~~~I will not be discouraged by those who would mock my beliefs, nor will I mock the beliefs of others.

~~~I will believe only in that which I can accept, in my heart, soul and mind, as being "Truth" and NOT merely "belief".

~~~I will strive to put all things in proper perspective.

~~~I will not be confused by uncertainty, realizing that such is the way of the world.

~~~I will trust Jesus' proclamation: "The Kingdom of Heaven is within", and I will make my home there.

~~~I will heed the words of Buddha: “Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense"...and I will pray for reason and common sense.

~~~I will embrace the lesson of Krishna, "Abandon all attachment to the results of action and attain supreme peace"...and I will shed them one by one, as I may.

~~~I will learn the meaning of the Hermetic maxim "As above, so below" and I will be mindful of both extremes.

~~~I will always remain open to new revelation, and will discern it in light of the revelation I have already received.

~~~I will train my ear to hear words of wisdom, beauty in music, the sounds of laughter and birdsong...

~~~I will train my eye to see the good in people and not their faults, knowing that there is both good and evil within me as well.

~~~I will follow the rule that is universal to all religions and reason, to do unto others as I would have them do unto me, and to love my brother as I love myself.

~~~I will never call the Creator by a name or be so foolish as to think that I could ever, in a million years, even begin to comprehend the ALL.

~~~I will take what is offered and give what is required.

~~~I will not harden my heart to the plight of others, nor will I be manipulated by those who would deceive me.

~~~I will memorize words of knowledge and will not discriminate from whose lips they are spoken or from whose pen they are written.

~~~I will pay heed to the voice of my Higher Thought and will defer to It in all matters.

~~~I will give credit where it is due, accept praise when honestly given, criticize only constructively and always bear in mind the value of an opinion.

~~~I will give priority in order of Creator, my Family, my Soul.

~~~I will appreciate those who love me in spite of my faults and will endeavor to love them likewise.

~~~I will leave the past where it belongs, hope for the future, and find my being in the here and now.

~~~I will accept my shortcomings and will not be discouraged when, at the end of the day, I find that I have failed to realize any or all of these affirmations.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Malcolm McClaren: January 26, 1946-April 8, 2010

I did not see that one coming.

Kurt Cobain: 16 Years Gone

I don't care much for the music of Nirvana. But in 1994 it was a different story. I thought they were the saviors of the punk rock tradition. This was before the silly label "grunge" was invented and applied to them. All I knew was that "Smells Like Teen Spirit" had the kind of energy, rawness and urgency that hadn't been witnessed since the Pistols and the Clash. Of course Oklahoma radio wasn't playing it when I first heard the song. Probably it was MTV's "120 Minutes" that was my introduction to the band and the song. But then again, it could have been a radio station in Dallas known as The Edge. I had occasion to visit Sulpher, way down south, on a fairly regular basis and I always tuned in when the signal crossed into my territory. What a great radio station. It was exactly what I would have listened to all of the time, had it been in Oklahoma. I can distinctly remember driving down the highway going apeshit crazy when the song came on the radio. I probably wrecked my voice screaming along with KC. Anyone who saw me as I passed surely must have thought I was having some kind of violent seizure.

By the time the band broke into the Oklahoma market I was less enthusiastic. I wasn't listening to the same kind of music anymore. I was probably too old to be hanging with true blue Nirvana fans, who were at least 10 years younger than I was. But I still held Cobain in some esteem, if for no other reason than that he was bringing punk rock back to the masses. In hindsight I think that was probably not a good thing, for reasons I don't have time to go into. But I thought highly of him. I liked the music well enough, and there was no doubt that he was an awesome performer. But by the time "In Utero" was released I couldn't be bothered.

Then, on this day in 1994, the news broke that the Mighty KC had shot himself in the head, strung out on heroin and alone. It was such a surprise it didn't seem real. I even remember where I was when I heard it...driving back to my apartment from a visit to my friends house listening to the radio and the announcer comes on and breaks the news. It stunned me. Why did I react in such a manner? I wasn't a serious fan anymore, why should it seem any more important than the death of any other rock star?

I kind of got a grip on "why" when the suicide note was released. He couldn't handle the fame.The expectations. The responsibilities. Had he ever WANTED fame? Well, like it or not, he was too talented NOT to become famous. I was not too old to have abandoned hopes and dreams of fame for myself. Realistic or not, dream big, I figured. I never thought I'd ever reach the point of fame that Cobain had, but he was a role model in that respect. He'd done it on his own terms. He'd done it on raw talent without having to rely so much on the "right place-right time" factor. I wasn't the only one who thought "if he can do it, why can't I?" He'd MADE IT.

Fame. I always thought I would be completely satisfied in life if I ever got famous. All my problems would be solved. I'd be living the high life. Naive? Yes, I'm sure, but it didn't seem so when Kurt Cobain was smashing his guitar on the stage at the MTV Music Video Awards. I COULD DO THAT. I WOULD DO THAT. I WANT TO DO THAT. I wanted to rise to the top expressing myself in such a transparent manner.

But when Kurt Cobain died, so did those dreams. It hit me hard that if popularity could drive a man with a family (a brand new baby girl, at that) to put a bullet in his skull, what would happen to me if my dream came true? I was no stronger than he was. I'd never had the opportunity to get a feel for the level of popularity that was a fraction of what Cobain was getting EVEN BEFORE THE BAND HIT BIG TIME. I would have been no better prepared for it than he was.

It sounds like a ridiculous cliche: When Kurt Cobain died, so did my dreams of "making it". Or "he killed my dreams when he killed himself". I did, however, get very angry at him for letting down those who helped him get to where he was, who now had dreams themselves thanks to him ...for making heroin his top priority and not his wife, child, friends...You can't just say," Oh, well, it just became too much for him. You can't really blame him for that, can you?" Yes, I think you can. Because, yeah, it was the fame that got to him. Never forget, though, that there was a needle and a gun that pushed him over the line. Both of which were in HIS hand in the hours before his demise. He had every reason and every opportunity to get help. His friends and his wife begged him to. It would have been hard, but why couldn't he have just had them lock him up for 30 or 60 days until the dope was totally out of his system, maybe get some therapy to figure out why he was hooked and get over it for good? He had countless people who would have supported him. He never NEEDED heroin. He was addicted, and there was that strong desire, I know that. The curse of the junkie. Still, it was no different than the plight of millions who have overcome it. He was actually in rehab when the tragedy happened. He snuck off and left of his own accord. What the hell?

This is not the time, I know, to explore all that went wrong and the reasons for it. Best to remember him for the good things he left behind. Not just the music, which still stands the test of time (even if I'm not particularly fond of it). Not for the enjoyment of having witnessed his performances (in person, for the luckier ones...on video for the rest of us). Kurt Cobain's legacy is similar to that of the Velvet Underground. It was once remarked that the VU's greatest achievement was not their notoriety or even the quality of their music. They are revered to this day because it was almost as if every one who ever listened to their music walked away wanting to pick up a guitar and do it themselves. Nirvana had a similar impact on people who heard them. "It doesn't have to be the way THEY say it has to be" (no matter WHO "They" might happen to be). Cobain, Novaselik & Grohl were responsible for the fulfillment of the embryonic mission the punk rockers launched in the late '70s: to give rock and roll back to the people, yank it from the hands of the ultra-talented big label supported dinosaurs. I like progressive rock and enjoy listening to players who have chops. But I totally understand that rock music was meant to be rebellious, a kick in the teeth of the establishment. Take it from someone who was there and witnessed the assault. Rock had been tamed. That's all there was to it. Still great music, but you could hardly call it "rock" anymore, and there weren't too many bands stepping up to the plate to try and bring it all back to it's roots. Maybe the MC5. Surely the New York Dolls. But it all came to a head in '77, when New York bands like Talking Heads, Television, Suicide, the Ramones and a host of others burst on the scene with a sound that, if not flat out punk, was still as far from what rock music had become that another genre, "new wave" had to be created. Over the pond it was even more confrontational, as the Sex Pistols, the Clash, the Damned and other radical bands waved the middle finger salute to the music industry (listen to the Pistols' "EMI" for historical perspective).

All of that just to say that Nirvana did the same thing. What was it, 10 years since punk rock had failed to connect with the masses when Nirvana reared it's ugly head? Plenty of time for the "beast" to get rested up and back in the game. In this respect, at least, I suppose the band's success actually WAS a "right time-right place" success story. Whatever it was, Nirvana busted out and did what the punks couldn't do (and didn't want to do). Mainstream success. A million kids with their OWN "Velvet Underground" made you want to put a band together. The music empowered you to put it all on the line, to be as transparent as possible, and not care what anyone thought because it was YOUR music, not theirs. If you like it, great. If not, I'm still gonna crank up the volume. For better AND for worse, they changed the musical landscape and Kurt Cobain was at the center of it all. He was the man who made it happen. He was a champion, of sorts. If he had decided to up and retire after the third album he still would have been acknowledged and well regarded for his contributions to pop/rock music.

But he didn't choose to retire. He chose to walk out of that rehab center. He chose to put a needle in his arm. Then he chose to put a gun up to his head. Then he chose to pull the trigger. He chose to abandon his two best friends and the band they had ALL worked so hard with to make successful. That it HAD become so successful makes it even worse.

He chose to leave his daughter without a father.

It boggles the mind. How does a man get to that point? To need a fix more than to care for and spend your days with your own flesh and blood? This is heroin? I've never even tried heroin so how would I know, right? I never tried it because I saw it kill too many of my rock star heroes. I knew better. I was smart enough to say, "Whoa, Nelly, that stuff will kick my ass, I'd best leave it alone!" You can't tell me that the Mighty KC didn't know it would kick his ass as well.

Which doesn't make me any smarter or less vulnerable than he was. I never walked in his shoes. It's not for me to judge. But, dammit, why did it have to happen that way? Why did it have to END that way? Why why why why why...that's the Eternal Question, the one that always leads down the sinkhole to "I don't know" and is spewed back up with "That's just the way it is". So be it. Who knows what "might have" happened. Who knows what "would have" happened? Postulate and fantasize all you want...there's only one thing for certain in this whole tragedy:

Kurt Cobain is dead. And that I'd rather be writing a blog post celebrating a birthday and not an outdated eulogy.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Jonsi: "GO"

I don't know if I mentioned it Monday, but I got my digital copy of "Go", a day earlier than the US disc release. It is the first album I've ever pre-ordered. Set me back just a bit over 40 bucks, what with shipping and handling. For the extra cash I got the digital copy, a 3 song download a couple of weeks before release, a short live acoustic video, a "Go Quiet" trailer and right around the time of my birthday I'll get the actual CD as well as the "Go Quiet" DVD. Seemed like a good deal, and I'm positive it will prove to be just that.

What do I think of it...of course, I am extremely biased. Jonsi is the only contemporary musical artist I give a shit about anymore. His voice has tunneled it's way into a precious place in my soul. It goes without saying (if you read this blog or know me personally) that I am a hardcore Sigur Ros fanatic. That band and his contributions to it have transported me to a blissful place so many times, I could not count them. His voice, and what he is able to do with it, raises goosebumps with incredible consistency. If I could sustain the feeling it gives me on a continual basis I would truly believe I'd died and gone to heaven. If I have a guardian angel, he sounds like Jonsi.

So, jeez, how can you expect me to have an objective opinion? "Go" is an incredible album that shimmers with originality. The arrangements are remarkably complex, but never come off as cluttered. Instead they are intriguing. They make you want to go deeper into the music. And when you do you'll find even more to appreciate. I don't know if this album is one that non-fans are going to "get" with only one or two listens. It's not possible, unless you're already familiar with the man's methods. Even if you ARE a Sigur Ros fan you may have to get over not having a proper SR record, because there is very little of their sonic style exhibited here. But once you spend a little time with it you will likely be singing it's praises, too. If you like the same-old same-old (and there's nothing wrong with that) you may become disoriented with the out-of-the-ordinary soundscapes...then there are those who can't stand his voice. I can see that. I've got a good friend who has tried and tried to get into Sigur Ros because he knows how highly I think of them. He can't do it. It's not the music, he says. It's the singer. I understand completely. The vocals have been a point of division amongst fans and non-fans ever since "Sven-g-Englar" found it's way into so many film soundtracks (including an excellent placing in "Vanilla Sky"). So I can't say, "Everybody get out there and buy this album!" There's gonna be a lot of folks pissed off at me after they've spent their cash. It's trite to say "it's not for everyone". Oh, well. It's got to be said.

(Note: I'm listening to the album as I write this and I had to stop everything, close my eyes and float as the refrain from "Grow Till Tall" played. I couldn't help it. If I could only describe the way it feels. It rises up from the gut. It feels like it gets stuck in the head. It feels like it wants/needs to just burst out and into the world. The back of my upper palate constricts. I feel like I could very well start crying, but won't let it out. It keeps pushing upwards. You have heard of the Third Eye, the all seeing all knowing Eye? It feels like it's trying to pry it open. I won't let it. Why not? Because I'm afraid of what I might see? My chest tightens exactly like it did on the day I first fell in love. Is it any wonder I want to keep it for my own? I can feel my brain throbbing. It's ceased to be music. It's transfigured into something much, much more. It is an atmosphere of dripping clouds to fly into. Or a velvet ocean to sink into and drown. Only 4 notes floating over 4 chords, over and over and over for 2 solid minutes and when those moments are over you have to find a way to come back down to earth. Maybe it would eventually prove tedious if it were on a loop and you were only "hearing" it. But if you follow the emotions it draws out of you, if you lose yourself in it's sound world, you may find yourself wishing it would never end.)

They say Sigur Ros is on "indefinite hiatus" at the moment. A lot of people read "indefinite hiatus" as "the band has broken up". I really, really hope not, because I don't think they've exhausted their creative possibilities. Yet there is a part of me that says I can accept that, if it happens. They have released a series of albums that are timeless (especially "Takk"). They will stand. Neil Young said it: "It's better to burn out than it is to rust". With "We Sing Endlessly" they will have left without having released a bad record. Who knows if Jonsi will turn out to be the "substitute" for fans wanting a Sigur Ros fix. That's certainly not what he's shooting for, as is obvious in the songs on "Go". As much as I like "Go" I would definitely like to see him do another record of dreamy post-rock and majestic sonic landscapes.

Truth be told, though, I just want to hear more from the guy. Whatever direction he takes will be interesting. Perhaps a guest appearance with TOOL? Or Vampire Weekend? Or Jay-Z? Or Kenny Chesney? Or Bruce Springsteen? The role of Voltan in Wagner's Ring of the Nibelung cycle (there's an inside joke for Jonsi fans who happen to like opera as well)? All that sounds ludicrous, doesn't it? I don't think any of it would actually work, but do you know what? I wouldn't put it past him to TRY. A lot of folks don't know that a couple of his favorite bands are Smashing Pumpkins and...brace yourself...Iron Maiden. Don't let his pixie mannerisms fool you.

I really should try to write a proper review of "Go". I'll keep putting it off until I feel like it's too late. I never gave "We Sing Endlessly" an actual review, though I said I would. Maybe I could do it justice, now that I have every song on the album memorized. Someday. Same with Jonsi's album. I want to take it all in before I try to definitively lay my opinion on the line. That, plus the fact that it's quite difficult to describe what it does for me (see above note).

So for now I will only remind you of the precious place in my soul that I wrote about earlier in this piece. "Go" is rattling the walls in there right now.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Music Video of the Week: Jonsi

A day early for the MVOTW. I have a lot of stuff I need to get done tomorrow, so I figured I'd go ahead and post it...Besides, I'm in full-Jonsi mode since getting the album yesterday.

"Icicle Sleeve"

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Beatles Tribute "RAIN" in Tulsa

Yesterday I took my family to see the Beatles tribute production, RAIN. It was what you would expect. For some reason I was thinking it might be more like a traditional musical, with acting parts between the songs. But it was just the four guys (and a side man) playing Beatles songs. For some reason they also performed 2 John Lennon solo songs. I bet you can guess what at least one of them was. Nothing wrong with tipping the hat to John, but they seemed somewhat out of place in the context of the songs originally by the Beatles. There were no solo tracks from any of the other members.

No big deal, eh? The music was very good. They weren't as tight as I thought they probably should have been, but the gaffes were such that yer typical 21st Century Beatles fan and/or non-"Music person" would not have even noticed. Moreover, a good chunk of the problems could be blamed on the sound guy. It was as if the band weren't used to playing so early in the day (we went to a 2:00 pm matinee), or perhaps were just a little bit tired from the concert the night before. I don't mean to was a very good show and I would see it again. A few random comments about "RAIN":

The band members do look a bit like the Beatles. I might not be saying that had we been in the front rows. But on the Mezzanine you could suspend disbelief with a little more ease. The period costumes were excellent. The light show was pretty darn cool.

The song selection was decent, though I would have chosen quite a few not on their song list had I been in charge. I was surprised they didn't play a single track from "Revolver". That wasn't good, you know? I mean, this is the record that most critics believe to be the Beatles finest work. But on the other hand they pulled off "Strawberry Fields Forever" and "A Day in the Life" almost note for note. No small feat, indeed. The highlight of the night, for me, was a particularly powerful rendering of "While My Guitar Gently Weeps". It drove home the fact that George was just as integral a part of the Beatles as Lennon or McCartney. This guy portraying him was a hell of a guitarist, too. He had that Clapton solo from "While My Guitar..." down to the point of near perfection. For that matter he played ALL of Harrison's parts throughout the show with great skill and technique.

Yes, they did the ones you'd think they would have done. "Hey Jude" for an predictable is that? "Let It Be", "Yesterday", "Day Tripper", "Revolution" get the picture. But they also pulled a couple of surprises from the hat. The only song they did from the White Album was a nice take on "Mother Nature's Son". I definitely thought they would have pulled, from that album, something like "Birthday" or "Back in the USSR" or "Dear Prudence"...I really would have liked to see how they would tackle "Revolution 9"...but, no. "Mother Nature's Son". Not "Blackbird" or "Sexy Sadie". It's true, I'm not terribly fond of "Mother Nature's Son" (I'd just as soon listen to John Denver's cover).It just threw me for a loop that it would be the one song from that album that they chose to do. Oh, well. They sounded a lot like the Beatles. That's all most folks wanted from them. They had to play particularly well to make up for the visual gaffe of the bassist being right handed. I imagine it must be a tall order to fill, a talented bassist who looks a little but like Paul McCartney...AND MUST BE LEFT HANDED. Not too many of those models around, I'd guess.

The acoustics in the Chapman Music Hall are very good, so the volume wasn't extraordinarily loud, even though it was muddied at times (I mentioned the sound issues earlier). The audience, however, were a raucous bunch. Especially when you consider how old most of them were (I guess I should say "how old WE were"). Typical arm-waving, clap-along silliness that I am not predisposed to join in with. Insane levels of applause and cheering, or at least I thought they were considering we were watching a TRIBUTE band. Most likely it was the music, the songs themselves that elicited such an exuberant response. Not to take anything away from the band on the stage, but there is something odd, to me, about a tribute band getting such a huge reaction in and of themselves. Then again, there's no reason for me to think that was the case. It was more like a celebration of the most influential band of the last century.

The guy seated to my left was impressed. He screamed his "YEAHS!!!" and his "WOO-HOOS" at such ear-piercing volume that my ear was ringing louder than usual when it was all over. I thought my tinnitus had been easing a bit in that left ear. Perhaps it had. But we're back to square one after Yelling Boy's shows of enthusiasm. He was also a terrible singer and he didn't know many of the song lyrics. So what, though, eh? He was having a great time, likely having more fun than I was, with my critical mind in overdrive comparing the copy to the original.

All in all a very nice day. We never can think of a place we want to eat when we go out on occasions such as this...Chili's was in the running, but I assumed that there would be a long line, this being Saturday night and all. I hate standing in line in a restaurant. I wanted to eat at the Food Court in the mall, because I've been wanting another of those "whatchamacallit creamy drinks with the big tapioca balls at the bottom" that you can only find at Bubble Cafe. My son said he wanted Golden Corral. I wasn't enthused about his choice, seeing as how I just ate at Golden Corral a few days ago and that, frankly, I don't much like the place unless I am hungry as a dog. But that's what he said he wanted and I wanted his day to be a good, memorable one, so... we get there, find a table, grab plates and jump into the throng at the feeding trough. My son comes back with, get this, 4 little scoops of vegetables and a tiny crab cake. That's ALL. It's all he ate...TEN FUCKING DOLLARS for this. And a glass of WATER. Next time I will insist on where we eat. It's too expensive for the amount of food that gets eaten by any of us, really, though I can shove it in sometimes to the point of getting my money's worth. Nevertheless, it will be a long time before I go to the Golden Corral again. I don't care if it doesn't sound like the thing to do on a nice family outing...I'm gonna insist on the Food Court next time. Just you wait and see.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

New Bambo Track for ya

Here's the link to the most recent Bambo Syndicate track. I don't know why it's taken me so long to post it, as it's been in the can for at least a couple of months now. "A Cruel Taskmaster" is the name. It's a lot more "experimental" than most of what I've done in the past. Clocks in at around the 13 minute mark, so if you're gonna listen you might want to make you sure you have at least that amount of time to sit through it. You might want to schedule at least another 5 minutes of what I call "recovery time". You may need to be re-wired after experiencing this mind altering dark ambient song.