Friday, July 28, 2006


Numbness has settled
Hovering neatly over this body
Until, like good medicine, it is absorbed

Don't expect me to remember your name
I would only want to know why it mattered

I'm out of sorts these days
Haven't enjoyed myself in too long
The old amusements impotent
Looking for a new thrill

Set fire to this
Watch the flames
Until they burn out
Walk across the embers
Feet bare

"There are too many hours in a day"
A foolish lie to the aged
Stone bitter truth to those of us infected
With the numbness

Saturday, July 1, 2006


One of the most literate and out right mucisally knowlegable guys I know has joined the ranks of "us bloggers" (didn't want to say the word "blogosphere", as I am concerned that it has slipped out of fashion). He goes by the name "Skvorecky" in the injternet community where I communicate with him, but his blogger name is AB7A (enigmatic moniker, I know)...likewise his blog is called AB7A, and it is well worth checking out.
Seriously, this bloke knows his stuff and he is a writer par excellance.

More N&B Refugees

Here are a few more "photoshopped" pieces that I am rather fond of. More to come, but I'll try not to bore you with an onslaught of 'em...